Monday, June 16, 2014

How to extract all email addresses in one document with a second?

Bob works for an IT company, one day, his boss gives him a document and asks him to extract all of the email addresses in it. The fact is ,unfortunately, there are hundreds of email addresses mixed in the texts! So how can Bob complete his work? Will he check them one by one?
Of course not. Let me tell him a small trick to help.

Step1: use Ctrl+F to bring up the "Find and Replace"panel.


step2: enter" [A-z,0-9]{1,}\@[A-z,0-9,\.]{1,}"in Find what(not include the double quotes). Then check "Highlight all items found in", click the "more" button, check"use wildcards".


step3: click"Find all", you will pick out all email addresses at one time.


In this way,the work that maybe take your three days to complete can be achieved in a second,while improving your work efficiency and reducing your burden.

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