Saturday, January 02, 2010


Counter Time: JavaScript

The following trick means that you no longer need to wait for time to download RapidShare files using javascript.

The script to be used to reset the download counter is:
javascript: c = 0; void (0);
javascript: var c = 0
javascript: alert (c = 0)

Here are the steps to remove counter time.

1. Type download links Rapidshare files which will be downloaded into the address bar.

2. When the counter time that you have to wait for time to download appears delete the existing download link in the address bar and replace it with one of the above scripts.

3. After that, time will directly counter back to 0 (zero) and you can directly download the file without having to wait longer.

To speed up the time and so as not to repeatedly write the script, I recommend you bookmark it in your browser.

If you are using Internet Explorer, here's how to bookmark script:

1. Click Add to Favorites ... on the Favorites menu.

2. Give a name (eg 'counter time rapidshare') to be added Favorites and then click OK.

3. Right click on the 'counter time rapidshare' or other name you have selected and then click Properties.

4. Type the script javascript: c = 0; void (0); or javascript: var c = 0; in the URL textbox and then click OK.

If you use Mozilla Firefox, here's how to bookmark script:

1. Select Bookmark This Page ... to the Bookmarks menu.

2. Give a name for the bookmark you want to add and click OK.

3. Right-click on the name of the bookmark and select Properties.

4. In the dialog box that appears, write the script in the Location box and click OK.

5. To use, when you begin downloading and counter time appears, click the name of the bookmark that you have created.

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