Friday, March 28, 2014

How to create WiFi hot spot using cmd (without any software)

Hello guys, here i come up with a very old trick, but even then its a very useful one. People now a days feel free to use internet in their mobile rather than using in PC. So if you have a PC running on Windows 7 or higher versions then you can create WiFi hot spot of your own using your Windows PC which is connected to internet and you can connect to internet by your Mobile or Tablet PC or to Laptop PC. Here is the trick.
How to create WiFi hot spot using cmd

*Tested in windows 7 and Windows 8*

1st method:

Step 1] Go to start -> search for CMD Right Click It And " Run As Administrator " 
Step 2] Run These Commands Which Are Given Below

Command 1:

netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=name key=password
**Change password to the password that you want to use**

Then If you want to run hotspot then run this command Command 2:

netsh wlan start hostednetwork

  • If you find any error in establishing so, make sure you have wireless adapter and it is turned on and all settings are proper.
If you want to know whether hotspot ON or OFF so run this command Command 3:
netsh wlan show hostednetwork

Then If you want to stop hotspot then run this command Command 4:

netsh wlan stop hostednetwork
And now go to control panel, open change adapter settings. And now select the default internet adapter and now go to properties of it and go to the sharing tab. And now check the allowance for sharing the connection with other devices.

2nd method:

  1. Open network and sharing in your computer (Control Panel\Network and Internet\Network and Sharing Center).
  2. Now click on set up a new connection or network.
  3. Now select set up a wireless ad hoc.

  4. Now click NEXT you will have to set up a new connection with any name and select WPA2 from dropdown option for security type and give any password.
Now you can see a wireless connection that you've created in your Windows OS. You can allow users to connect to it. You can disconnect if you don't want people to find your network.
 Make sure your wireless adapters are turned on. So it can be achieved and your wireless connection will be displayed in the wireless networks list.


3rd method:

Or there is an another easy way to create WiFi hot spot from your Windows operating system.

Go to the following website and download the software called Connectify (It is a shareware program).

Or you can download and install this freeware virtual WiFi hot spot utility tool called Virtual Router

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Download From Docstoc


Download From Docstoc

 Many times ago I already make a post here about How To Download From Google Book ? This time I want to explain you a trick about how to download from docstoc, as you know is a website that has a lot of documents from the members who sent the file(s).

You might be looking for a document about something you want to know, by any chance you find a very good document on the, maybe you want to save or download the document, as you know that download document from docstoc doesn’t free, you have to pay a few dollars in order to download a document from docstoc.

I'm trying to find a way to download document from docstoc without paying anything, I try to search on google, there are many tricks about how to download document from docstoc, but every trick is not working, maybe docstoc admin already improved their system to not to be easily for everyone to download document from docstoc.

I finally found a trick to download document from docstoc, it require the helper software called PDFCreator in order to save the PDF file format, this software can be download for free at the author website by searching on google using PDFCreator keyword or download it directly here.

Download and install PDFCreator on your PC, then switch to the browser window (I use Google Chrome version 25) which has opened the document on docstoc, copy the document ID in the browser address tab like this:

122197902 is the document ID that you are viewing in docstoc

Copy the following address:

then replace the document ID with the ID that has been copied from docstoc, so it will be like this :

Paste the address above in your browse address tab, wait until loading process complete and the entire document appears in your browser.


Right-click, the pop-up menu select "Print Document".

Print the document window appears, click Change button and select the printer to "Save as PDF".

After changed printer type to "Save as PDF" then click Save button . Save dialog window will be appear, type the appropriate file name or leave as the default file name, click Save button.

Done, you've downloaded a document from docstoc.

Download documents from Scribd without uploading or paying for downloads

Many of you must be aware of the fact that document sharing website Scribd now ask users to either upload  a document or buy monthly/yearly download pass which costs from $5 to $59  to download the documents  because of archive feature which was rolled out last year.

Scribd never pays the actual authors or content uploader for such downloads. There are thousands of good documents on Scribd and most of them will not download until  you pay for the download pass or upload a document as mentioned in the screen shot above.
However, there is a simple hack using which can download documents (Obviously only those for which download is allowed) without paying for the download pass or uploading a document. This is possible via Scribd’s mobile website. Here you go:
  1. Open Scribd using your mobile device
  2. Search for the document and click   “Download now” button
  3.  Download now button on  mobile device doesn’t ask for any upload or download pass. Download starts as soon as you click download.
  4. If you don’t have mobile device, download is till possible by using URL on your laptop or desktop
  5. Let’s say you have searched a document on on your desktop or laptop  with URL
  6. Copy the document ID from the URL (In this case it is  37644657) and append at the end after ‘documents’ to make it You will now see the option to download the PDF file which allows you to download without uploading or paying for the download.
Go, download your favorite e-books, PDFs before Scribd puts validations on mobile version of the website too.

how to download from scribd without uploading

Most of Us get Frustrated with the Fact that Although scribd is a very good Site for Online reading.It doesn’t give a good E-book download feature.
But don’t Hit Ur head so harddd!!! . Here is a way to Download easily from Scribd.
1. Get to the Site
2. Type the name of Ur favorite Book In the Search Box and Hit Enter, And Scribd shall show you with a list of books available on the site matching the Criteria. Select one to read it online and the address bar will look similar to the Image below!!! . Where Ur book name will be in place of  ”Hello world” preceded by the book code.
Just copy the code written behind the name of the book in the address bar (See the arrow point), And here it is 45080929 In this Example.
3.  Next you need to open the page .
Once the page is open, It is like in the image below!, All you need to do is paste Ur code in the search box and hit SEARCH button, And there you go, A “download Now” Button will show up along with a thumbnail view of the Book.
Just download it.
I Hope this post was useful . Please comment & subscribe if i Got u right !!!!!!! .


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