Sunday, August 15, 2010


You can format your s60 phones in two ways.

» Soft Format:

On the main screen enter the code below.

*#7730# or *#7780#

Your default lock code is 12345 or ur own lock code .Also make sure your battery is atleast 75% full.

» Hard Format:

Hard Format can be done if your phone is facing any of the problems mentioned below :

1. Blank screen. Phone unable to reboot.

2. Phone only able to boot-up to "Nokia" word screen.

3. Installed some program but not able to uninstall it after that.

4. Error messages such as "Child Installer" keeps popping-up.

Make sure cell battery is atleast 75% charged. If its not then you are putting your cell at risk. If its atleast 75% charged then do the following:

1. Switch off the phone.

2. Hold down the following three buttons: Green (call answer) button, * button, and '3' button.

3. While holding these buttons, press the power button and switch on the phone.

4. When the message 'Formatting' appears on the screen, release all of the buttons.

* Important Note:

You shouldn't switch the phone off or remove the battery when performing either of these operations.


Want to Lock default application?
Don't want everybody read your SMS?
Then just Lock Messaging Application, here is the way..

Apply This Steps:

1) Open 3rd Party Application like Fexlporer, x-plore...
2) Go to Z/System/Apps/mce
3) Mark two files of mce.aif and
4) Press Option -> Edit -> Copy
5) Then go into X/System/Apps/ (X stands for either C or E)
6) Create a folder with name "Locked"
7) Paste the two files in that folder
8) Rename mce.aif into Locked.aif
9) And to
10) After that, wait for 5 seconds and then try to open messaging application.
11) You should see the Messaging can't be opened


All Code Infomrmation Nokia ! Unlock COD Nokia

*# 06 # Seriennummer/IMEI indicates (actually also a GSM is code - see further below)
*# 0000 # SW version announcements (e.g. V3.42.1, 16-10-03, Nhl-10)
*# 2820 # Bluetooth (BT) device address indicate
xx # Directory quick access (xx = storage location and afterwards lozenge e.g. 24 #)
A/from key Short pressing for menu for switching between profiles
Menu key Long pressing for "task manager" - switching between active programs (with "C" key programs can be terminated.)
Menu quick access Over in the menu e.g. to point 3.1 arrive simply 31 enter (if the third symbol a file is opened is for these and then in it started the first Programm/Icon).
Autostart go around When switching on of the Handys on to the pin inquiry the key "ABC" (pin) comes the whole time keeps pressed - this is to ignore (allegedly) the autoinitialization programs.
# Do not switch between different lines (AS)... goes e.g. with Austrian ONE Handys (see nose cunning). I could not try out however also, since I did not have 2 lines on the SIM map.
12345 ... is according to standard set the Nokia nokia-Sicherheitscode.
0000 ... is according to standard those (with Vodafone windshield frame section) set 2te pin and that standard net code/password
With D1 the standard net code is the last 4 numbers of the card number without HLR e.g. 99999234-5/55 - > 2345
0 - for a long time press If one the "0" in the main menue for a long time presses those homepage of the standard WAP connection is called.
Caution - starting from here the codes are "dangerous"
* # of res wallet # ... is to be deleted the code around the "wallet"! Input like normal telephone number (not in wallet code inquiry windows).
NOTE! Afterwards the "wallet" is empty, can again be put on however with new code.
*# 7780 # The "original attitudes" and telephone re-establishes is again started (an appropriate inquiry and it follow before must the sicherheitscode be entered).
NOTE! Afterwards various "attitudes" are away - among other things these:
·1 Points of entrance (Provider dependent points of entrance and attitudes)
·2 Bluetooth attitudes
·3 Favorite
·4 Allocation of the two keys (beside Navi keys) in the main menue
·5 Profiles are "neglected" (as with distribution) - still there however new bell tones, etc. are...
·6 SMS/MMS/E Mail attitudes
·7 Logos and spielstaende (allegedly) also deleted...
Programs, calendars and contacts, etc. not changed...
Also the sicherheitscode remains.
This putting back goes also via menu under "attitudes - general - original telephone once.".
*# 7370 # Soft format: If the Handy (only telephone memory) formats, puts back the attitudes (see * to # 7780 #) and implements a software RESET. (however still another inquiry comes before.)
NOTE! If the Akku to 75% are loaded at least, Akku do not only accomplish during the procedure under any circumstances remove! The procedure takes some minutes (approx. 3-4), is absolutely waiting!
This is "only" a soft format... Hard format with "green, 3, *"... see below.
Green, * 3 Hard format: If the Handy (only telephone memory) formats, puts back the attitudes (see * to # 7780 #) and implements a RESET.
NOTE! If the Akku to 75% are loaded at least, Akku do not only accomplish during the procedure under any circumstances remove! The procedure takes some minutes (approx. 3-4), is absolutely waiting!
Proceeding: Equipment switch off, which keep "green key" (take off) at the same time pressed, "*" and to "3" key and switch the equipment on (the keys thereby keep further pressed)... to "Formatting" on the display appears...
If that does not function, then equipment for 1 hour switch off, Akku so for a long time rausnehmen and again try.
"only" virtual the memory is generally cleared - genuine formatting can take place only in a Nokia service center, if the Fash is deleted there and/or new L.G. is installed.
Mixed * # 92702689 #, then switch - system menu off (goes with me not)
The following code do not fold (with me also):
* EFR0 # (* 3370 #) EFR activate (EFR = Enhanced Full rate Coding - language optimization)
# EFR0 # (# 3370 #) EFR switch off
* HRC # (* 4720 #) HRC switch on (HRC = helped rate Coding - language compression)
# HRC0 # (# 4720 #) HRC switch off
SIM LOCK Simlock status query: (use "*" the key over "p,w" and "+" indications to enter)
# pw+ 1234567890 +1 # Provider LOCK status
# pw+ 1234567890 +2 # network LOCK status
# pw+ 1234567890 +3 # Country LOCK status
# pw+ 1234567890 +4 # Sim Card LOCK status
The code 1234567890 must be computed with a program e.g. SmartDCT4Calc and/or DCT 4 code Calculator from IMEI, etc....
Info. to Simlock: SIM LOCK makes it for the offerer/network carriers possible, subsidized (verguenstigte) Handys to offer. Thus one makes oneself if necessary punishable if one SIM LOCK deactivated - in addition the warranty can purged. I take over for it no adhesion or responsibility!
GSM code ... should function at each Handy - however Netz(betreiber)abhaengig are... and "harmless"...
Generally applies: First enter code, "send" afterwards (<> press) and one moment wait...
SMS Tipps To Tipps & cheat about SMS (with appropriate codes) are immediately in the FAQ list .
For example for the topic: SMS "retard" and/or deferred send, acknowledgment of receipt, reports...
Mark more simply To Tipps & cheat to the topic "mark" e.g. with SMS entrance.
Over simply to mark simply the "pin" (ABC key) hold some e.g. SMS and move then Jostick downward.
Call number transmission * 31 # - { CLIR - Calling LINE identification Restriction switches on for the general call number transmission }
# 31 # - switch off the general call number transmission
# 31 # [ telephone number ] - with the next call suppress the own call number (thus temporary)
* 31 # [ telephone number ] - with the next call transfer own call number (thus temporary)
* # 31 # - status query (of call number transmission)
# 31 * [ telephone number ] - own call number show, although receiving station switched call number suppression on. (is not usually de-energised of the Netz(betreiber).)
* 30 # - switch { TIE-clip - Calling LINE identification presentation for the announcement on of the call number of the caller }
# 30 # - switch off
* # 30 # - status query
This also partly goes with 6600 via Men: Attitudes - calls - own No. send...
The following codes are not supported by most Netz(betreibern):
* # 76 # - announcement of the call number, under which one reached the calling (not its call number during rufumleitung!) { COLP - COonnected LINE identification presentation }
* 76 # - switch on
# 76 # - switch off
* # 77 # - announcement of the call number, under which the caller reached me (not my call number during rufumleitung meinerseits!) { COLR - COnnected LINE identification Restriction }
* 77 # - switch on
# 76 # - switch off
Call bypasses (call Forwarding) Bypass code (U):
U=21 always
U=61 retards
U=62 not attainable
U=67 occupies
U=61, 62, 67 can be parallel active
U=21 - > and then no more call signaling overwrites U=61,62 and 67!
Service code (D):
Not all nets support all services
D=10 language and fax (all calls)
D=11 only language
D=12 all data (speed/minutes)
D=13 only fax
D=14 DATEX j (active?)
D=15 teletex (active?)
D=16 only SMS
D=18 all data except SMS
D=19 all services except SMS
D=20 all services
D=21 all asynchronous services
D=22 all synchronous services
D=23 3.1 kHz GSM of language services
D=24 all synchronous POINT ton of POINT DATA inclusive. PADs
D=25 only data (all asynchronous POINT ton of POINT DATA inclusive. PADs)
D=26 DATA pack exchange on the left of inclusive. PADs
D=27 services thru PADs
D=29 12 Kbps digitally left
** U * [ goal call number ] * D # - bypass switch on
Input without * D means bypass of all services
Call bypasses (call Forwarding)
01.01.04 Bypass code (U):
U=21 always
U=61 retards
U=62 not attainable
U=67 occupies
U=61, 62, 67 can be parallel active
U=21 - > and then no more call signaling overwrites U=61,62 and 67!
Service code (D):
Not all nets support all services
D=10 language and fax (all calls)
D=11 only language
D=12 all data (speed/minutes)
D=13 only fax
D=14 DATEX j (active?)
D=15 teletex (active?)
D=16 only SMS
D=18 all data except SMS
D=19 all services except SMS
D=20 all services
D=21 all asynchronous services
D=22 all synchronous services
D=23 3.1 kHz GSM of language services
D=24 all synchronous POINT ton of POINT DATA inclusive. PADs
D=25 only data (all asynchronous POINT ton of POINT DATA inclusive. PADs)
D=26 DATA pack exchange on the left of inclusive. PADs
D=27 services thru PADs
D=29 12 Kbps digitally left
** U * [ goal call number ] * D # - bypass switch on
Input without * D means bypass of all services
## U ** D # - switch bypass off (individual bypasses and service code)
Without ** D all services are switched off to bypasses
## 002 # (all bypasses for all service codes switch off)
## 004 # (switch off only U=61, 62, 67 and for all service codes - thus ", not attainable, nonacceptance "occupies)
* # U ** D # - status of the bypasses query:
Input without ** D queries all services and bypasses
Bypass in the speaking and/or fax box: Number in bypass procedure with D=11 and/or 13 enter
Goal call number (e.g. D2-Netz: +49,172 xxx) and Handynummer without preselection (if necessary 172 replaces) enter.
Tap: During switched on rufumleitung "with occupied" being able "to reject" calls by one the red key during "to ring" presses. The caller is then passed on to the goal call number of the occupying bypass (e.g. mailbox).
Type for waiting period during rufumleitung 61: ** 61 * [ goal call number ] * 11 * [ time in sec. (5 to 30) ] #
This also partly goes with 6600 via menu: Attitudes - rufumleitungen -...
Knock/stops/parks/faults Knocks is signaling a secondary call during a current discussion
* 43 # - switch on
# 43 # - switch off
* # 43 # - status query
This also partly goes with 6600 via menu: Attitudes - calls - knocking...
0 <> - reject while the discussion a knocking
1 <> - discussion terminate, knocking discussion accept
certain discussion (y) terminate 1 (y) <>
2 <> - discussion park, knocking discussion accept
certain discussion and new discussion leads 2 parks (y) <>
0 <> - caller the busy condition signal
This also partly goes with 6600 via menus existing during the discussion.
Call barrier Possible only if bypass of the service code is switched off.
Check code (S):
S=33 all outgoing transmissions
S=331 outgoing abroad
S=332 outgoing abroad except home
S=35 all arriving transmissions
S=351 all arriving abroad
Special check codes (s) delete:
Switch off only in connection with the procedure
S=330 check code status outgoing & arriving transmissions switch off
S=333 check code status outgoing transmissions switch off
S=353 check code status arriving transmissions switch off
Service code (D):
Not all nets support all services
D=10 language and fax (all calls)
D=11 only language
D=12 all data (speed/minutes)
D=13 only fax
D=14 DATEX j (active?)
D=15 teletex (active?)
D=16 only SMS
D=18 all data except SMS
D=19 all services except SMS
D=20 all services
D=21 all asynchronous services
D=22 all synchronous services
D=23 3.1 kHz GSM of language services
D=24 all synchronous POINT ton of POINT DATA inclusive. PADs
D=25 only data (all asynchronous POINT ton of POINT DATA inclusive. PADs)
D=26 data packet exchange links incl. PADs
D=27 services thru PADs
D=29 12 Kbps digital link
* S * [Passwort] * D # - einschalten der Anruf-Sperre
# S * [Passwort] * D # - ausschalten der Anruf-Sperre
*# S # - Status der Anruf-Sperre abfragen
Passwort für Handy Sperre ?ndern:
** 03 ** [altes Passwort] * [neues Passwort] * [neues Passwort wiederholen] #
** 03 * 330 *[altes Passwort] * [neues Passwort] * [neues Passwort wiederholen] #
Dies geht beim 6600 auch teilweise via Menü: Einstellungen - Anrufsperre ...
PIN ?ndern ** 04 * [alte PIN] * [neue PIN] * [neue PIN wiederholen] #
** 042 * [alte PIN 2] * [neue PIN 2] * [neue PIN 2 wiederholen] #
PIN entsperren: ** 05 * [PUK] * [neue PIN] * [neue PIN wiederholen] #
PIN 2 entsperren: ** 052 * [PUK2] * [neue PIN 2] * [neue PIN 2 wiederholen] #
Dies geht beim 6600 auch teilweise via Menü: Einstellungen - Sicherheit - Telefon und SIM
Diverse Codes Die folgenden Codes klappen nur in einigen (wenigen) Netzen/Netzbetreibern ... leider z.B. nicht im Vodafone D2 Netz (in Deutschland):
*#100# - Eigene Nummer (Own Number)
*#101# - HLR Nummer
*#102# - Switch Nummer
*#103# - Zeit im Netz (Network Time)
*#104# - Anrufbeantworter Nummer (Voice mailbox number)
*#105# - Switch number
*#147# - Letzter Anrufer (Last Caller)
#646# - Minutes Used: (646 spells 'MIN')
*#1345# or *174# - Vodafone Prepaid balance
*78 - Do not disturb - nur in Nord America in GSM und CDMA Netzen m?glich
*79 - Cancel (s.o.)
Note - If you bought your Nokia on UK Vodafone or UK Cellnet you do not need to check this because they both transmit on GSM900, and they don't lock the phones. However if you bought your phone on UK Orange or UK One2one your phone may be blocked. The reason is that they both transmitt on GSM1800. To make a call on GSM1800 you need what is known as a "Dual band" phone. A dual band phone is able to transmit on both GSM900 and GSM1800, so they lock the phones so you can't use it with any other network simcard. If you find that your phone is locked you can try different software to unlock it. (we havn't found one that works yet), or you can ask your service provider who will gladly exchange the 10 digit code for about £35.
This is how to check the status of the 4 different locks. Aslo don't try entering the wrong number, because after 3 times it will block the phone for good.
There are 4 different locks on your Nokia phone.
The code to read out the sim-lock status of your phone is
MASTERCODE = 1234567890
If you short-circuit theleft middle and right pins on the bottom of the phone with all connections touching each other, the Nokia software hangs! The profile "Headset" will be activated. Before you do this just activate the "Automatic Answer" in the headset profile and set the ringing volume to "Mute". Now you can use your phone for checking out what people are talking about in a room. Just place it under a table in a room and call it. The phone receives the call without ringing and you can listen to what people are saying.
Clock Stopping
To check weather your SIM Card supports clock stopping type-
*#746025625# (*#SIM0CLOCK#)
To enter the service menu type-
*#92702689# (*#WAR0ANTY#)
Serial number (IMEI)
Production date (MM/YY)
Purchase date (MM/YY) You can only enter the date once.
Date of last repair (0000=No repair)
Transfer user data to another Nokia phone via Infra-Red

Saturday, August 14, 2010


how to resolve nokia certificate error?

Before download, please make sure your phone data/time is set correctly.
Go to your phone"App. Mgr.", press"Options", press"Settings", make sure"Software installation"is set to"All", and"Online certif. check"is set to"Off".

Expire Certificate:
If you encounter Expire Certificate error, please set your phone date to 01/01/2007 before your install the theme or software. You can reset the date back after the theme or software is installed.


Certificate error:
If you get certificate error when attempting to install the program or themes on your S60/S60 3rd Edition smartphone, it means that you have'nt enabled installation of unsigned SIS files. Go to Tools -> App. Manager, choose Options -> Settings and set Software installation to All and Online certif. check to Off.

Certificate expired:
If you get certificate expired when attempting to install the program or themes on your S60 3rd Edition smartphone,change phone data (on clock setting) from 2007 to 2006, install theme than came back to 2007.


Press and hold the pencil key and select your text using the scroll key.

Left function key will change to 'Copy'. Press it to copy the selected text to clipboard.

You can paste the clipboard contents the same way: press and hold the pencil key and press 'Paste'. Or, press pencil key once and select 'Paste'.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


How to make it Invisible

Step-1: Now Right-click on this password protected folder and select Properties.

Step-2: At the bottom select the option Hidden and press OK. Now your folder gets invisible (hidden).

Step-3: In order to unhide this folder go to My Computer – >Tools -> Folder options. Switch to View tab, scroll down and under Hidden files and folders you’ll see the following two options

• Do not show hidden files and folders
• Show hidden files and folders

Now select the second option and press OK. Now the invisible folder becomes visible in it’s location. To access it you need the password.
To make it invisible again repeat step -1 through step-3 and select the first option and click OK. Now the folder becomes invisible once again


Do you want to password protect your folder? Do you want to make it invisible so that it remains unnoticed by the normal users? Well here is a way to do that. In this post I will show you how to make a password protected folder in Windows without using any additional software. Here is is step by step procedure to create a password protected folder.

How to create a Password Protected Folder

Step-1: Create a new folder (Right-click -> New -> Folder) and give it any name of your choice. For instance I name it as ABC.

Step-2: Now in this folder place all the important files, documents or any folders that you want to password protect.

Step-3: Now Right-click on this folder (ABC) and select the option Send To -> Compressed (zipped) Folder.

Step-4: Now a new compressed zipped folder gets created next this folder (ABC) with the same name.

Step-5: Double-click on this compressed zipped folder and you should see your original folder (ABC) here.

Step-6: Now goto the File menu and select the option Add a password.
ie: File -> Add a password

Now a small window will pop up and here you can set your desired password. Once the password is set, the folder will ask for the password every time it is opened. Thus you have now created the password protected folder.


These are the websites that provide you free mobile contents like gamez, aplications, softwares, themes, tones etc........

  1. (game search engine)
  1. (mobile file search engine)
  1. (for only themes)
  1. (for games and app search engine)

Nokia Secret Codes

Nokia Secret Codes

On the main screen type

*#06# for checking the IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity).

*#7780# reset to factory settings.

*#67705646# This will clear the LCD display(operator logo).

*#0000# To view software version.

*#2820# Bluetooth device address.

*#746025625# Sim clock allowed status.

*#62209526# - Display the MAC address of the WLAN adapter. This is available only in the newer devices that supports WLAN like N80

#pw+1234567890+1# Shows if sim have restrictions.

*#92702689# - takes you to a secret menu where you may find some of the information below:
1. Displays Serial Number.
2. Displays the Month and Year of Manufacture
3. Displays (if there) the date where the phone was purchased (MMYY)
4. Displays the date of the last repair - if found (0000)
5. Shows life timer of phone (time passes since last start)

*#3370# - Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) activation. Increase signal strength, better signal reception. It also help if u want to use GPRS and the service is not responding or too slow. Phone battery will drain faster though.
*#3370* - (EFR) deactivation. Phone will automatically restart. Increase battery life by 30% because phone receives less signal from network.
*#4720# - Half Rate Codec activation.
*#4720* - Half Rate Codec deactivation. The phone will automatically restart

If you forgot wallet code for Nokia S60 phone, use this code reset: *#7370925538#
Note, your data in the wallet will be erased. Phone will ask you the lock code. Default lock code is: 12345

Press *#3925538# to delete the contents and code of wallet.

*#7328748263373738# resets security code.
Default security code is 12345

Unlock service provider: Insert sim, turn phone on and press vol up(arrow keys) for 3 seconds, should say pin code. Press C,then press * message should flash, press * again and 04*pin*pin*pin#

Change closed caller group (settings >security settings>user groups) to 00000 and ure phone will sound the message tone when you are near a radar speed trap. Setting it to 500 will cause your phone 2 set off security alarms at shop exits, gr8 for practical jokes! (works with some of the Nokia phones.)
Press and hold "0" on the main screen to open wap browser.

Try these codes at your own risk! We don't accept any complaints.
Some of these codes may not work.

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Windows Shortcuts

· Shift + F10 right-clicks.
· Win + L (XP Only): Locks keyboard. Similar to Lock Workstation.
· Win + F or F3: Open Find dialog. (All Files) F3 may not work in some applications which use F3 for their own find dialogs.
· Win + Control + F: Open Find dialog. (Computers)
· Win + U: Open Utility Manager.
· Win + F1: Open Windows help.
· Win + Pause: Open System Properties dialog.
· Win + Tab: Cycle through taskbar buttons. Enter clicks, AppsKey or Shift + F10 right-clicks.
· Win + Shift + Tab: Cycle through taskbar buttons in reverse.
· Alt + Tab: Display Cool Switch. More commonly known as the AltTab dialog.
· Alt + Shift + Tab: Display Cool Switch; go in reverse.
· Alt + Escape: Send active window to the bottom of the z-order.
· Alt + Shift + Escape: Activate the window at the bottom of the z-order.
· Alt + F4: Close active window; or, if all windows are closed, open shutdown dialog.
· Shift while a CD is loading: Bypass AutoPlay.
· Shift while login: Bypass startup folder. Only those applications will be ignored which are in the startup folder, not those started from the registry (Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\)
· Ctrl + Alt + Delete or Ctrl + Alt + NumpadDel (Both NumLock states): Invoke the Task Manager or NT Security dialog.
· Ctrl + Shift + Escape (2000/XP ) or (Ctrl + Alt + NumpadDot) : Invoke the task manager. On earlier OSes, acts like Ctrl + Escape.
· Print screen: Copy screenshot of current screen to clipboard.
· Alt + Print screen: Copy screenshot of current active window to clipboard.
· Ctrl + Alt + Down Arrow: Invert screen. Untested on OS’s other than XP.
· Ctrl + Alt + Up Arrow: Undo inversion.
· Win + B : Move focus to systray icons.


· Ctrl + C or Ctrl + Insert: Copy.
· Ctrl + X or Shift + Delete: Cut.
· Ctrl + V or Shift + Insert: Paste/Move.
· Ctrl + N: New... File, Tab, Entry, etc.
· Ctrl + S: Save.
· Ctrl + O: Open...
· Ctrl + P: Print.
· Ctrl + Z: Undo.
· Ctrl + A: Select all.
· Ctrl + F: Find...
· Ctrl+W : to close the current window
· Ctrl + F4: Close tab or child window.
· F1: Open help.
· F11: Toggle full screen mode.
· Alt or F10: Activate menu bar.
· Alt + Space: Display system menu. Same as clicking the icon on the titlebar.
· Escape: Remove focus from current control/menu, or close dialog box.

General Navigation

· Tab: Forward one item.
· Shift + Tab: Backward one item.
· Ctrl + Tab: Cycle through tabs/child windows.
· Ctrl + Shift + Tab: Cycle backwards through tabs/child windows.
· Enter: If a button’s selected, click it, otherwise, click default button.
· Space: Toggle items such as radio buttons or checkboxes.
· Alt + (Letter): Activate item corresponding to (Letter). (Letter) is the underlined letter on the item’s name.
· Ctrl + Left: Move cursor to the beginning of previous word.
· Ctrl + Right: Move cursor to the beginning of next word.
· Ctrl + Up: Move cursor to beginning of previous paragraph. This and all subsequent Up/Down hotkeys in this section have only been known to work in Rich Edit controls.
· Ctrl + Down: Move cursor to beginning of next paragraph.
· Shift + Left: Highlight one character to the left.
· Shift + Right: Highlight one character to the right.
· Shift + Up: Highlight from current cursor position, to one line up.
· Shift + Down: Highlight from current cursor position, to one line down.
· Ctrl + Shift + Left: Highlight to beginning of previous word.
· Ctrl + Shift + Right: Highlight to beginning of next word.
· Ctrl + Shift + Up: Highlight to beginning of previous paragraph.
· Ctrl + Shift + Down: Highlight to beginning of next paragraph.
· Home: Move cursor to top of a scrollable control.
· End: Move cursor to bottom of a scrollable control.

File Browser

· Arrow Keys: Navigate.
· Shift + Arrow Keys: Select multiple items.
· Ctrl + Arrow Keys: Change focus without changing selection. “Focus” is the object that will run on Enter. Space toggles selection of the focused item.
· (Letter): Select first found item that begins with (Letter).
· BackSpace: Go up one level to the parent directory.
· Alt + Left: Go back one folder.
· Alt + Right: Go forward one folder.
· Enter: Activate (Double-click) selected item(s).
· Alt + Enter: View properties for selected item.
· F2: Rename selected item(s).
· Ctrl + NumpadPlus: In a Details view, resizes all columns to fit the longest item in each one.
· Delete: Delete selected item(s).
· Shift + Delete: Delete selected item(s); bypass Recycle Bin.
· Ctrl while dragging item(s): Copy.
· Ctrl + Shift while dragging item(s): Create shortcut(s).
· In tree pane, if any:
· Left: Collapse the current selection if expanded, or select the parent folder.
· Right: Expand the current selection if collapsed, or select the first subfolder.
· Numpad Asterisk: Expand currently selected directory and all subdirectories. No undo.
· Numpad Plus: Expand currently selected directory.
· Numpad Minus: Collapse currently selected directory.


· Right Shift for eight seconds: Toggle FilterKeys on and off. FilterKeys must be enabled.
· Left Alt + Left Shift + PrintScreen: Toggle High Contrast on and off. High Contrast must be enabled.
· Left Alt + Left Shift + NumLock: Toggle MouseKeys on and off. MouseKeys must be enabled.
· NumLock for five seconds: Toggle ToggleKeys on and off. ToggleKeys must be enabled.
· Shift five times: Toggle StickyKeys on and off. StickyKeys must be enabled.
· 6.) Microsoft Natural Keyboard with IntelliType Software Installed
· Win + L: Log off Windows.
· Win + P: Open Print Manager.
· Win + C: Open control panel.
· Win + V: Open clipboard.
· Win + K: Open keyboard properties.
· Win + I: Open mouse properties.
· Win + A: Open Accessibility properties.
· Win + Space: Displays the list of Microsoft IntelliType shortcut keys.
· Win + S: Toggle CapsLock on and off.

Remote Desktop Connection Navigation

· Ctrl + Alt + End: Open the NT Security dialog.
· Alt + PageUp: Switch between programs.
· Alt + PageDown: Switch between programs in reverse.
· Alt + Insert: Cycle through the programs in most recently used order.
· Alt + Home: Display start menu.
· Ctrl + Alt + Break: Switch the client computer between a window and a full screen.
· Alt + Delete: Display the Windows menu.
· Ctrl + Alt + NumpadMinus: Place a snapshot of the entire client window area on the Terminal server clipboard and provide the same functionality as pressing Alt + PrintScreen on a local computer.
· Ctrl + Alt + NumpadPlus: Place a snapshot of the active window in the client on the Terminal server clipboard and provide the same functionality as pressing PrintScreen on a local computer.

Mozilla Firefox Shortcuts

· Ctrl + Tab or Ctrl + PageDown: Cycle through tabs.
· Ctrl + Shift + Tab or Ctrl + PageUp: Cycle through tabs in reverse.
· Ctrl + (1-9): Switch to tab corresponding to number.
· Ctrl + N: New window.
· Ctrl + T: New tab.
· Ctrl + L or Alt + D or F6: Switch focus to location bar.
· Ctrl + Enter: Open location in new tab.
· Shift + Enter: Open location in new window.
· Ctrl + K or Ctrl + E: Switch focus to search bar.
· Ctrl + O: Open a local file.
· Ctrl + W: Close tab, or window if there’s only one tab open.
· Ctrl + Shift + W: Close window.
· Ctrl + S: Save page as a local file.
· Ctrl + P: Print page.
· Ctrl + F or F3: Open find toolbar.
· Ctrl + G or F3: Find next...
· Ctrl + Shift + G or Shift + F3: Find previous...
· Ctrl + B or Ctrl + I: Open Bookmarks sidebar.
· Ctrl + H: Open History sidebar.
· Escape: Stop loading page.
· Ctrl + R or F5: Reload current page.
· Ctrl + Shift + R or Ctrl + F5: Reload current page; bypass cache.
· Ctrl + U: View page source.
· Ctrl + D: Bookmark current page.
· Ctrl + NumpadPlus or Ctrl + Equals (+/=): Increase text size.
· Ctrl + NumpadMinus or Ctrl + Minus: Decrease text size.
· Ctrl + Numpad0 or Ctrl + 0: Set text size to default.
· Alt + Left or Backspace: Back.
· Alt + Right or Shift + Backspace: Forward.
· Alt + Home: Open home page.
· Ctrl + M: Open new message in integrated mail client.
· Ctrl + J: Open Downloads dialog.
· F6: Switch to next frame. You must have selected something on the page already, e.g. by use of Tab.
· Shift + F6: Switch to previous frame.
· Apostrophe (‘): Find link as you type.
· Slash (/): Find text as you type.

Gmail Shortcuts

· Note: Must have “keyboard shortcuts” on in settings.
· C: Compose new message.
· Shift + C: Open new window to compose new message.
· Slash (/): Switch focus to search box.
· K: Switch focus to the next most recent email. Enter or “O” opens focused email.
· J: Switch focus to the next oldest email.
· N: Switch focus to the next message in the “conversation.” Enter or “O” expands/collapses messages.
· P: Switch focus to the previous message.
· U: Takes you back to the inbox and checks for new mail.
· Y: Various actions depending on current view:
· Has no effect in “Sent” and “All Mail” views.
· Inbox: Archive email or message.
· Starred: Unstar email or message.
· Spam: Unmark as spam and move back to “Inbox.”
· Trash: Move back to “Inbox.”
· Any label: Remove the label.
· X: “Check” an email. Various actions can be performed against all checked emails.
· S: “Star” an email. Identical to the more familiar term, “flagging.”
· R: Reply to the email.
· A: Reply to all recipients of the email.
· F: Forward an email.
· Shift + R: Reply to the email in a new window.
· Shift + A: Reply to all recipients of the email in a new window.
· Shift + F: Forward an email in a new window.
· Shift + 1 (!): Mark an email as spam and remove it from the inbox.
· G then I: Switch to “Inbox” view.
· G then S: Switch to “Starred” view.
· G then A: Switch to “All Mail” view.
· G then C: Switch to “Contacts” view.
· G then S: Switch to “Drafts” view.

List of F1-F9 Key Commands for the Command Prompt

· F1 / right arrow: Repeats the letters of the last command line, one by one.
· F2: Displays a dialog asking user to “enter the char to copy up to” of the last command line
· F3: Repeats the last command line
· F4: Displays a dialog asking user to “enter the char to delete up to” of the last command line
· F5: Goes back one command line
· F6: Enters the traditional CTRL+Z (^z)
· F7: Displays a menu with the command line history
· F8: Cycles back through previous command lines (beginning with most recent)
· F9: Displays a dialog asking user to enter a command number, where 0 is for first command line entered.
· Alt+Enter: toggle full Screen mode.
· up/down: scroll thru/repeat previous entries
· Esc: delete line
· Note: The buffer allows a maximum of 50 command lines. After this number is reached, the first line will be replaced in sequence.

Helpful accessibility keyboard shortcuts

· Switch FilterKeys on and off. Right SHIFT for eight seconds
· Switch High Contrast on and off. Left ALT +left SHIFT +PRINT SCREEN
· Switch MouseKeys on and off. Left ALT +left SHIFT +NUM LOCK
· Switch StickyKeys on and off. SHIFT five times
· Switch ToggleKeys on and off. NUM LOCK for five seconds

Friday, January 08, 2010

Skip RapidShare Download Limits & Waiting Timer

Everyone seems to be downloading more from rapidshare and less from other download services like Megashare, Megaupload etc and this is because its one of the best service which offers two modes – one free and second one paid in which you dont have to wait for downloading your files and you get the speedy servers which would allow you to download the files quickly. Now while you need to download a small bunch of files iam sure you wont be interested in buying a new paid account which is why iam going to tell you a small trick which would allow you to skip the rapidshare timer and also the download limits.

Cms Grabber
There are many programs which work as Rapidshare download managers but this one seems to be the best one because it allows you to download multiple files at once from Rapidshare. Basically it uses multiple proxy servers and starts downloading the files and works with both & hosted files. You dont have to pay anything for the software because its totally free and since its a download manager in itself, you dont have to load links one by one and start downloading multiple files at once. So dont start searching for any other tool and grab the grabber now



Thursday, January 07, 2010


If you've lost your Windows 7 product key, this can very difficult to recover if you will just look for it at your registry. WinGuggle by "Unlock for Us" is a small application that can get your Windows Vista and Windows 7 Product Key easily. No Installation is needed, Just unzip the archive and launch the application.

Get Windows XP Product Key (CD Key)

Get Windows Vista Product Key (CD Key)

Get Windows 7 Product Key (CD Key)

Get Microsoft Office Product Key (CD Key)

Change OEM Logo and Information

Change Performance Information and Tools OEM Logo

Reset to default restores the original settings for OEM

Anti-virus program compatible

If you want to use it on Windows XP then you need to have Microsoft .NET Framework installed on your PC.


How to recommend something from inside of YouTube video to anybody? Suppose you want to recommend a YouTube video to a friend. You have to give him URL of video. You do not want him to see the whole video and you want to save his time and point to the specified point in that YouTube video which you want him to start watching from so that it starts playing from the time you specify for it. There is a simple way to recommend a YouTube video to watch from predefined point in timeline which you desire.
We take an example of a video. Consider the following URL.
Now all you have to do is to add the predefined time feature in the URL.
Add following in the URL.
&feature=player_embedded#t=desired time in seconds
So that it becomes:
200 here is 200 seconds so that video will start playing where 200 seconds have been passed in the timeline.
Above whole URL with the specified time will become like following:
By this method you can save your friend's time and recommend something in YouTube video which you want him to watch and not the whole video.


Have you ever tried searching for serials or cracks of any software. You might have to browse thousands of websites with adult content to finally put your hands on right cracks. Those cracks might have some Spywares or Adwares which have potential danger to corrupt your PC. Its bizarre but still there are ways you can find softwares which will help you find keys, serial numbers or cracks for any software. Now that there are piracy laws are very strict but these softwares are all around the web. I am pointing towards such two softwares which will search for you any crack or serial for softwares and save you from going to or browsing thousands of illegal websites.

One software is 'Craagle' and the second one is 'Crack Down' or 'Crack Downloader'. These are meta search engines that will search serials or cracks over about 15 popular cracks sites and find them for you. No adult contents or other things, you'll get just what you search for.


Use any one link below:

Note: We are not responsible of the above files. Use these at your own consent whatever these are. Say no to piracy and buy original software because cracks will harm your PC.


Trend Micro HijackThis is a free utility that generates an in depth report of registry and file settings from your computer. HijackThis makes no separation between safe and unsafe settings in its scan results giving you the ability to selectively remove items from your machine. In addition to this scan and remove capability HijackThis comes with several tools useful in manually removing malware from a computer. Advanced users can use HijackThis to remove unwanted settings or files.

To analyze your computer, start HijackThis and run a scan. HijackThis will display a list of areas on your computer that might have been changed by spyware. Do not change any settings if you are unsure of what to do. It is important to use extreme caution when choosing to removing anything using HijackThis. HijackThis also comes with a process manager, HOSTS file editor, and alternate data stream scanner.

· 1. Download and install HijackThis.
· Once installed, open HijackThis by clicking Start > Program Files > HijackThis and click the button labeled “Do a system scan only”.
· Once the scan is complete, click the AnalyzeThis button. A web page will open containing helpful information regarding HijackThis.

Note: Once the scan is complete, the scan button will read “Save log”. You may save the log file to your PC. Once you select where you would like to save the file, it will open in your system’s default text editor. Typically this application is Notepad.

How to Generate a Startup List Log File
· Open HijackThis by clicking Start > Program Files > HijackThis > HijackThis.
· Click the “Open the Misc Tools section” button.
· Click the “Generate StartupList log” button and a warning box will appear.
· Once you click “Yes” to continue, the log will open in your system’s default text editor.

Common Log File Uses
Once you have generated a log you can analyze the results to identify what settings have been made by malware. The web offers a wealth of resources outside of TrendSecure that can help you interpret your log file results and help you manually clean your system of malware. A common practice for novice users is to generate a HijackThis log file and submit it one of the many forums devoted to HijackThis on the web. Experts at these forums provide information on which items are causing your problems and how to remove them safely from your computer.

IMPORTANT: HijackThis does not determine what is good or bad. Do not make any changes to your computer settings unless you are an expert computer user.


Rapidshare is a file hosting goldmine if you know how to search it properly. for example: Try using follwoing code. inurl:ziprar7ziptar

Open google site. Put above line in search box, hit enter. You will get results of downloadable files with zip,rar,7zip and tar formats. inurl can be specified for finding files of specific format. e.g.


Now the following query will provide you direct link to download winrar software compressed in zip format. inurl:zip winrar

Rapidshare is one of the world’s biggest and the fastest file web hosts around the world with thousands of files being uploaded and downloaded everyday. But it does not have a search engine of its own, we can search files hosted at rapidshare and other many file hosting services directly using many resources out there as many many search engines are emerging to do this task.

Some of search engines which give you direct links of files hosted at such file hosting websites are following:

1. Avun
2. Filez
3. RapidFox
4. U2U
5. Zoozle
6. Rapidstack
7. FilesBot
8. Loadevery
9. Rapidoogle
10. Rapidzilla
11. SharingEngines
12. FilesTube
13. Xoogo
14. EatPaperRapidshare
15. RapidshareDB
16. File field
17. RapidshareURL
18. FileSearch
19. Leechaa
20. Quicksearch
21. jqd
22. MegaDownload
23. Rapidog
24. Search Any File
25. Crawl Rapidshare
26. Rapidor
27. Down2Crazy
28. rSearch
29. Download List
30. Search Files
31. Gappon
32. FileCrop
33. Search4file
34. Mega Rapid Search
35. Rapid Zearch
36. FileSearcher
37. Oneclickfiles
38. Rapidsharesearch
39. Funfail
40. Rapidshare1
41. 5iles
42. shufs
44. Kvaz
45. Files Pump
46. Search Rapidshare Files
47. Infobind
48. Search Rapidshare info
49. Javaartist
50. Coders2020
51. 4Chan
52. Rapidshare Blog Search
53. Linkosearch
54. HellaFiles
55. totme
56. ShareMiner
57. FileScoop
58. RapidSearchEngine
59. Betadir
60. RapidExplorer
61. RS Find
62. Rapidshare Index
63. RapidshareLink
64. Rapidshare Data
65. Buscador
66. Rapidshare Searcher
67. Peer2link
68. RapidOSearch
69. RapidShared
70. SearchShared
72. Rapidsharing
73. ProjectNinja
74. Rapidrat
75. Rapidlibrary


RapidShare is most widely used popular online file sharing hosting service. Free rapidshare account has limitations i.e. low bandwidth, difficult captcha etc. Still the number of files uploaded on Rapidshare is more then any other online file sharing website. One issue which users faces while downloading files from rapidshare is wait time and there is no free automated program for downloading set of rapidshare files. Rapidshare Plus is a solution.
It lets you download queue of rapidshare files automatically by just providing rapidshare links. Just add Rapidshare file links to Rapidshare Plus and rest of the downloading task will be done by Rapidshare Plus automatically.

• Add/Delete any number of File Links
• Add Proxy server setting
• Start/Stop Download Process
• Displays file download progress
• Time Remaining and Time elapsed display
• Current Download Speed display

Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Microsoft Word Hotkeys | Keyboard Shortcuts

Microsoft Word Hotkeys Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard Shortcut Result in Microsoft Word

CTRL and A
Selects all in the current document.

CTRL and B
Bold text.

CTRL and C
Copies the item or text to the Clipboard and can be pasted using CTRL and V.

CTRL and D
Displays the Font dialogue box.

CTRL and E
Centre Alignment.

CTRL and F
Displays the Find dialog box, to search the current document.

CTRL and G
Displays the Go to dialog box, to go to a specific location in the current document.

CTRL and H
Displays the Replace dialogue box.

CTRL and I
Italic text.

CTRL and J
Full Justification.

CTRL and K
Create Hyperlink

CTRL and L
Left Alignment

CTRL and M

CTRL and N
Creates a new document.

CTRL and O
Displays the Open File dialogue box.

CTRL and P
Displays the Print dialog box.

CTRL and R
Right Alignment.

CTRL and S
Displays the Save dialog box.

CTRL and U
Underline text

CTRL and V
Pastes the copied item or text from the Clipboard into the current position in the document.

CTRL and X
Cuts the item or text selected to the Clipboard.

CTRL and Y
Redo the last undone action.

CTRL and Z
Undoes the last action.

Insert Page Break.

CTRL and F2
Show Print preview.

CTRL and F4
Closes the active document window.

CTRL and F6
Opens the next document window.

Keyboard Shortcut Result in Microsoft Word

F1 key
Get help or use the Office assistant.

SHIFT and F1 Key
Context sensitive help.

F2 Key
Move text or image.

SHIFT and F2 Key
Copy Text.

F3 Key
Insert an auto text entry.

SHIFT and F3 Key
Change the case of the selected text.

F4 Key
Perform last action again.

SHIFT and F4 Key
Perform a Find or Go to action again.

F5 Key
Displays the Go to dialogue box, from here you can also Find and Replace.

SHIFT and F5 Key
Move to a previous revision.

F6 Key
Go to the next frame or pane.

SHIFT and F6 Key
Go to the previous frame or pane.

F7 Key
Launch the Spell checker.

SHIFT and F7 Key
Launch the Thesaurus.

F8 Key
Extend the current selection.

SHIFT and F8 Key
Shrink the current selection.

F9 Key
Update the selected fields.

SHIFT and F9 Key
Switch between a field code and it's result.

F10 Key
Activate the menu bar.

SHIFT and F10 Key
Display a Shortcut Menu. Same as right clicking.

F11 Key
Go to the next field.

SHIFT and F11 Key
Go to the previous field.

F12 Key
Save file As, equivalent to tools menu.

SHIFT and F12 Key
Save document, equivalent to tools menu.


Nobody wants to setup their hard drive as one giant data dump. Dividing your drive into multiple partitions makes mutitasking easier. Keeping different types of data such as work documents, mp3s, video files, etc in a partition separate from the operating system can greatly increase your computer’s performance. And if you are planning on using multiple operating systems then you will absolutely need multiple partitions.

What Is Partitioning ?
A partition can be assumed as a container, like one drawer of a file cabinet. Each partition uses a file system to store and name data. Windows 98 used FAT32 which allowed greater maximum partition sizes and stored data more efficiently than the FAT16 file system of DOS and Windows 95. Windows NT introduced NTFS file system, which offers better data security and efficient memory handling. Windows 2000 and XP can read and write to both NTFS and FAT32 partitions.

Partitioning Your Hard Drive Using FDISK

Follow these simple steps after runnning FDISK command in command prompt to partition your harddrive:
1. First, to view a list of all drives available on your system select (5).
2. Press (4) to view partition information on the drive, then select the new hard drive.
3. Select (1) to create a partition, then on the next screen choose (1) to create a primary partition on that drive.
4. Select (y) if you wish to use all the space on the drive for this one partition(which we don’t want to), or (n) if you wish to make more than one partition on the drive now or later. If you selected (n), enter the amount of space you wish to use for the primary partition.
5. By selecting (n) it means that you do want to create multiple partitions, you must now make a secondary partition using the rest of the free space.

6. Press (1) to create another partition, then (2) to create an extended DOS partition. While it gives you an option to use less than full amount of space on the disk here but any space which is not allocated now can no longer be used by FDISK unless you erase the existing partitions. So accept the default (maximum available) size for the extended partition, then press ‘ESC.’ This will take you to the menu for creating logical drives in the extended partition
7. To create a logical drive which are represented by drive C: or D: etc, simply fill in the amount of space you require the drive to have.
After you finished performing all this procedure, Exit from FDISK, reboot to windows.


Partitioning Your Hard Drive In Windows 2000/XP

To start partitioning in Windows 2000/Xp environment, right click My Computer and select Manage, once you enter into the Manage screen, from here select Disk Management.

This main screen will show you the existing drives with the new ones. At this instance Windows usually open up a wizard to help partition and format your new drive. If it does not, right click the new drive in the lower pane and select initialize drive.

Now you can partition your drive by following these steps.

1. Right click on the new drive and select new partition, then it will launch the partition wizard.

2. In this step it will then prompt you how much drive space you want to allocate to the new partition.

3. If you choose not to use the full amount of space for the first partition, you can create additional partitions in the same way up to a maximum of four partitions per disk.

4. Now it will ask for a drive letter which Windows will use to represent partition as C: or D: etc.

5. Once you’ve created the partitions, you’ll have to format the newly created partitions which Windows will prompt to do automatically.

6. Once formatting is complete, reboot your computer, and you’re done


Hard Disk Partitioning and Formatting Procedure

This procedure describes how to set up a new, empty hard disk so that it is ready for an operating system to be installed on it. This process includes partitioning and formatting and results in a bootable hard disk. The procedure covers configuring the hard disk as a single large partition or splitting it into multiple, smaller partitions. The procedure provides specific instructions for using the FDISK program and is based on the Windows 95 OEM SR2 (Windows 95B) FDISK version with FAT32 support.

Warning: This procedure is intended to be used for setting up a new hard disk containing no information on it. Do not follow these steps if your hard disk has already been partitioned and formatted, or data loss will likely result.

Procedure Overview:
• Difficulty Level: 2 (Low).
• Risk Factor: 1 (Very low). This assumes that the hard disk has no data on it.
• Hardware Required: None.
• Software Required: Boot disk containing the FDISK.EXE and FORMAT.COM programs.
• Time to Perform: 5 to 20 minutes, depending on the size and speed of the hard disks.

Preparation / Warnings:

o To be safe, always run FDISK from DOS only.

o Be extremely careful when using the FDISK program, as one incorrect keystroke can result in major data loss. In particular, in a system with multiple hard disk drives be careful to make sure you are working on the right physical disk or you may accidentally end up disturbing the contents of the wrong drive. Beware that DOS drive letters can change after creating or deleting partitions, and that with multiple hard disks the partitions may be lettered in an unexpected sequence. See here for more details on this.

o Do not perform this procedure until the system is in good working order. Resolve any hardware conflicts or

other issues before commencing. o I assume that the system has been turned on and booted from the floppy disk.

o FDISK uses binary megabytes when displaying drive and partition sizes, not decimal megabytes. See this explanation of the difference for details.

o All commands in DOS or within FDISK require you to press {Enter} to select them; I'm not going to repeat it a zillion times within the procedure below.

Procedure Steps:

1. Check Version Number: At the DOS prompt, enter the following command: "ver". The system will respond with the version of DOS/Windows you have booted. Make sure that this matches whatever you want to install on the hard disk. For Windows 95 OEM SR2 the version number will be "4.00.1111".

2. Plan Partitions: Decide how you want to partition your hard disk. In particular, for large hard disks under Windows 95 OSR2, decide if you want to set up your hard disk with a single large FAT32 partition, or several smaller FAT16 partitions. (You can of course mix these). I provide instructions for doing either of these, but cannot tell you how to set up your system. You must decide based on what makes sense for you. For assistance in making this decision, and more general information on partitioning, cluster sizes and related issues, refer to this section. Most people today prefer to set up a new system using a single FAT32 partition.

3. Run FDISK.EXE: From the command prompt, enter the command "fdisk". If you have a disk large enough to warrant the use of FAT32, you will be asked if you want to enable "large disk support". Enter "Y" if you want to enable FAT32, or "N" if you do not want to enable FAT32. If you do enable this, any partitions over 500 MB that you create will be FAT32. Note that if you do not enable FAT32, you will not be able to put your entire hard disk into one partition if it is greater than 2 GB in size.

If you decided to place your entire hard disk into a single partition, then follow this step:

4. Partition Hard Disk (Single Partition): Follow these steps to set up your hard disk:
A. Select from the FDISK menu "1. Create DOS partition or Logical DOS Drive".
B. Select "1. Create Primary DOS Partition". FDISK will verify drive integrity. Then it will ask if you want to use the maximum available size of the disk for the primary partition and set it active. Enter "Y". The system will allocate the whole disk to the partition, and that's that.
C. Press {Esc} to exit FDISK.

If instead you want to set up your hard disk with multiple partitions (or if you don't have Windows 95 OEM SR2), follow this step. In order to make the process easier to follow, I am going to use an example below. In the example, a 3100 (binary) MB hard disk is being partitioned into four partitions of 1000 MB, 800 MB, 700 MB and 600 MB respectively:

4. Partition Hard Disk (Multiple Partitions): Follow these steps to set up your hard disk:
A. Select from the FDISK menu "1. Create DOS partition or Logical DOS Drive".
B. Select "1. Create Primary DOS Partition". FDISK will verify drive integrity. Then it will ask if you want to use the maximum available size of the disk for the primary partition and set it active. Enter "N". The system will show the size of the entire disk in MB.
C. Enter the size of the primary partition. In our example, this would mean entering "1000". The system will tell you that it has created the primary partition, and will assign it the drive letter "C:".
D. Press {Esc} to return to the FDISK menu.
E. Select "2. Set active partition". Select partition 1. FDISK will report that it has set partition 1 active.
F. Press {Esc} to return to the FDISK menu.
G. Select from the FDISK menu "1. Create DOS partition or Logical DOS Drive".
H. Select "2. Create Extended DOS Partition".
I. When prompted, press {Enter} to select the entire remaining area of the disk for the extended DOS partition. FDISK will report that it has created the extended DOS partition.
J. Press {Esc}. FDISK will automatically prompt you to create your first logical DOS volume within the extended DOS partition.
K. Enter the size of the first logical partition (the second partition overall). In our example you would enter "800". FDISK will create the partition, label it "D:", and then say "Logical DOS Drive created, drive letters changed or added". Don't touch anything, just wait, and FDISK will prompt you for the next volume.
L. Repeat the previous step for the remaining partitions (in our example there would be two more partitions to create, the 700 MB and 600 MB ones). When all of the partitions have been created, FDISK will report "All available space in the Extended DOS Partition is assigned to logical drives".
M. Press {Esc} to exit FDISK.

Continue with the procedure:

5. Reboot: Reboot the system using either the Reset button or the "three-fingered salute" ({Ctrl}+{Alt}+{Delete}). Make sure the floppy disk is in its drive, since you still need it. Note that you may get "Invalid media type reading drive C" errors while rebooting. This is normal at this stage.

6. Format Primary Partition: From the "A:" DOS prompt, issue the following command: "format c:/s". Do not forget the "/s", as this is what will make your C: drive bootable. You will get a "scary" warning message such as "WARNING, ALL DATA ON NON-REMOVABLE DISK DRIVE C: WILL BE LOST. Proceed with Format (Y/N)?". Since of course there is no data presently on drive C:, just enter "Y" and the system will format the hard disk. The program will show you its progress as it formats and at the end will prompt you for a volume label. Enter one if you wish.

7. Format Additional Partitions (if necessary): If you set up multiple partitions, format the additional partitions now. This is done in almost the same way as formatting the primary DOS partition, except that you leave off the "/s". So normally you would be entering "format d:", "format e:" and so on, until all the partitions have been formatted. The prompts should be the same as in the preceding step.

Warning: If you have a second hard disk in the system and it has a primary DOS partition, that partition is probably assigned D: because DOS assigns letters to all primary partitions before any logical partitions. Be careful of what you format.

8. Remove Boot Floppy: Eject the boot floppy from the floppy disk.

9. Reboot: Reboot the system using either the Reset button or {Ctrl}+{Alt}+{Delete}. The system should boot up from the hard disk this time, and stop at the "C:" prompt. Note that if you get an error such as "NO ROM BASIC, SYSTEM HALTED" or "No boot device found" at this stage, this means you forgot to set the primary DOS partition "active". Reboot from the floppy, run FDISK again and use option 2 to set the primary partition active, then reboot. If you get an error like "No operating system", this means you probably forgot the "/s" parameter when formatting the C: drive. Put the floppy disk back in the drive and then return to step 5.


Hard disks can be partitioned to run separate operating systems on the same disk, or to break down a disk into manageable chunks for storage. Partitioning is performed on a new or reformatted disk. These instructions describe using FDISK for PCs using Windows XP or later


Step 1 Start the computer in Command Prompt Mode.

Step 2 Type "FDISK." The partition window will appear with menu options.

Step 3 Enter 5 if you're partitioning a second drive, and select the drive; otherwise, skip to the next step.

Step 4 Enter 1 (Create DOS Partition or Logical DOS Drive).

Step 5 Enter 2 (Create Extended DOS) to create a partition.

Step 6 Enter N when the program asks if you want to use the maximum available size.

Step 7 Designate the amount of disk space to allocate to the second partition (the partition will be assigned the next drive letter).

Step 8 Type a name for the new partition and press Enter. The partition menu will appear.

Step 9 Repeat steps 5 through 8 to create additional partitions.

Step 10 Press Esc to exit the partition command.

Tips & Warnings

  • Be sure to allocate ample disk space (about 20 GB) on the C drive to hold Windows software and temp files created by other software programs.
  • Commercial products, such as Partition Magic, make hard disk partitioning much easier.
  • The FDISK procedure deletes all files on the hard disk. This action is not reversible. Be sure to back up any files you want to keep.
  • If the disk capacity displayed in the FDISK menu doesn't match your hard drive, then your system doesn't support larger disk drives. Use disk management software, such as Disk Manager or EZ-Drive, to provide support for larger drives.


Want to delete viruses without spending lots of money on a decent Anti-Virus? Read up


Step 1 Click on "START". Click on "RUN" and type "REGEDIT".

Step 2 Now you will see "registry editor" opened in a new window. In registry editor select -> HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.

Step 3 Now under "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" select--->"SOFTWARE"--->"Mcft"--->"WINDOWS"--->"CurrentVerison"--->"RUN".

Step 4 Now on the right side select"RavTimeXP"Right click on "RavTimeXP" and delete it.Close REGISTRY EDITOR and restart your computer.

Step 5 Click on START--->SEARCH--->"FOR FILES OR FOLDERS".Search box will open with current setting.Now click on search(searching for .exe), after searching is finished you will see the results.

Step 6 Now here you have to delete the icons like folders and size 60KB or a little more than 60 KB or little less than 60 KB, and the file type will be "APPLICATION".Now delete them all.(Note, Remember to double click, otherwise you will have to restart and start from step 1)

Step 7 Now Empty Recycle Bin. And you are done.


If you have accidentally deleted files from your computer, or lost them because of a hard drive crash, the good news is you can recover them. Recently deleted files can be traced, and recovered using a free, easy to use recovery program.Recuva Data Recovery uses a simple but effective wizard system that searches for images, documents, music and video files that have been deleted, erased or lost on your PC hard drive.


Things You'll Need:Recuva Data Recovery program

Step 1 Download Recuva Data Recovery (see Resources). Follow the setup and installation instructions to install it to your computer.

Step 2 Launch Recuva. The recovery wizard window will open up.

Step 3 Click "Next" on the recovery window, then select the file type you want to search for by file extension--for example .mp3, .jpg or .doc. Click "Next."

Step 4 Select your hard drive from the "File Location window, then click "Next." Click the "Enable Deep Scan" check-box if you want a more detailed scan. This option can take hours to scan, but has a better chance of locating your file.

Step 5 Click "Start" to begin the search. When it is complete, your traced files will be listed on a new window.

Step 6 Check the files you want to recover, then click "Recover" on the lower right of your program. Select a location to recover your files to, then click "OK" to finalize the recovery process.

Saturday, January 02, 2010


Tips To Improve System Speed

When installing new Softwares disable the option of having a tray icon. The tray icons use up available RAM, and also slow down the booting of your PC. Also disable the option of starting the application automatically when the PC boots. You can disable these options later on also from the Tools or preferences menu in your application
Always make two partitions in your hard drive. Install all large Softwares (like PSP, Photoshop, 3DS Max etc) in the second partition. Windows uses all the available empty space in C drive as virtual memory when your Computer RAM is full. Keep the C Drive as empty as possible.
Defragment your hard drive once every two months. This will free up a lot of space on your hard drive and rearrange the files so that your applications run faster.
Delete the temporary internet files regularly
Empty the recycle bin regularly. The files are not really deleted from your hard drive until you empty the recycle bin
Refresh the desktop after closing any application. This will remove any unused files from the RAM.


REGEDIT Keyboard Shortcuts

"Ctrl+F" -- Opens the Find dialog box.
"F3" -- Repeats the last search.

"Keypad +" -- Expands the selected branch.
"Keypad -" -- Collapses the selected branch.
"Keypad *" -- Expands all the selected branch's sub keys.
"Up Arrow" -- Selects the previous key.
"Down Arrow" -- Selects the next key.
"Left Arrow" -- Collapses the selected branch if it's not collapsed; otherwise, selects the parent key.
"Right Arrow" -- Expands the selected branch if it's not already expanded; otherwise, selects the key's first sub key.
"Home" -- Selects My Computer.
"End" -- Selects the last key that's visible in the key pane.
"Page Up" -- Moves up one page in the key pane.
"Page Down" -- Moves down one page in the key pane.
"Tab" -- Moves between the key and value panes.
"F6" -- Moves between the key and value panes.

"Delete" -- Deletes the select branch or value.
"F1" -- Opens Regedit's Help.
"F2" -- Renames the selected key or value.
"F5" -- Refreshes the key and value panes.
"F10" -- Opens Regedit's menu bar.
"Shift+F10" -- Opens the shortcut menu for the selected key or value.
"Alt+F4" -- Closes Regedit.


Increase your RAM SPEED and so system speed

1). Start any application, say Word. Open some large documents.

2). Press CTRL+SHIFT+ESC to open Windows Task Manager and click Processes tab and sort the list in descending order on Mem Usage. You will notice that WINWORD.EXE will be somewhere at the top, using multiple MBs of memory.

3). Now switch to Word and simply minimize it. (Don't use the Minimize All Windows option of the task bar).

4). Now go back to the Windows Task Manager and see where WINWORD.EXE is listed. Most probably you will not find it at the top. You will typically have to scroll to the bottom of the list to find Word. Now check out the amount of RAM it is using. Surprised? The memory utilization has reduced by a huge amount.

5). Minimize each application that you are currently not working on by clicking on the Minimize button & you can increase the amount of available RAM by a substantial margin. Depending upon the number and type of applications you use together, the difference can be as much as 50 percent of extra RAM.

In any multitasking system, minimizing an application means that it won't be utilized by the user right now. Therefore, the OS automatically makes the application use virtual memory & keeps bare minimum amounts of the code in physical RAM.


Internet Explorer Hotkeys keyboard Shortcuts

These are achieved by holding down the CONTROL (CTRL) key and pressing the assigned key

To Select all items on a webpage use CTRL and A.

To Copy a selected item to the clipboard use CTRL and C.

To Paste an item from the clipboard into a document use CTRL and V.

To Add the current page/document to your favorites use CTRL and D.

To Open the IE search utility use CTRL and E.

To Open the FIND box to search the current document use CTRL and F.

To Open the History utility use CTRL and H.

To Open the Favorites utility use CTRL and I.

To Go to a new location/document use CTRL and L. Also CTRL and O.

To Open a new Explorer window use CTRL and N.

To Print the current page/document use CTRL and P.

To Refresh the current page/document use CTRL and R. Also you can use the F5 key.

To Save the current document/page use CTRL and S.

To Close the current Explorer window use CTRL and W.


These are achieved by holding down and pressing a combination of keys

To go to your default homepage use ALT and the HOME key.

To go forward one page (equivalent to the FORWARD button) use ALT and the right arrow key.

To go back one page (equivalent to the BACK button) use ALT and the left arrow key


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