Sunday, December 27, 2009


1. Go to the installation folder of acrobat reader(C:\program files\adobe\acrobat\reader\.. whatever)

2. Move all the files and folders from the "plugins" directory to the "Optional" directory. (I repeat.. cut and paste the files NOT copy & paste).

Also make sure that acrobat reader is not open else it will lock the files and not allow you to move the files).

Now your acrobat reader will load very fast and almost as good as notepad..


Turn Off System Restore to Save Space when you are out of space on your operating system drive.

By default, Windows XP keeps a backup of system files in the System Volume Informationfolder. This can eat up valuable space on your hard drive. If you don't want Windows toback up your system files:

•Open the Control Panel.

•Double-click on System.

•Click the System Restore tab.

•Check "Turn off System Restore on all drives".

•Hit Apply.

•You may now delete the System Volume Information folder.

Warning! If you turn this off you will not be able to use Windows System Restore torestore your system in case of failure.


If your system hangs about 2 or 3 minutes at startup, where you can't access the Startbutton or the Taskbar, it may be due to one specific service (Background IntelligentTransfer) running in the background. Microsoft put out a patch for this but it didn'twork for me.

Here's what you do:

•Click on Start/Run, type 'msconfig', then click 'OK'.

•Go to the 'Services' tab, find the 'Background Intelligent Transfer' service.

•Disable it, apply the changes & reboot.


Like previous versions of windows, it takes long time to restart or shutdown windows XP when the "Exit Windows" sound is enabled.
To solve this problem you must disable this useless sound.

•Click Start button.

•Go to settings > Control Panel > Sound, Speech and Audio devices > Sounds and AudioDevices > Sounds.

•Then under program events and windows menu click on "Exit Windows" sub-menu andhighlight it. Now from sounds you can select, choose "none" and then click Apply and OK.

Now you should see some improvements when shutting down your system


This tweak allows an account that is normally displayed on the Welcome screen to be hidden from view. To log on using the account it's necessary to use the Log On To Windows dialog box similar to the one in Windows 2000.

1.) [Start] [Run] [Regedit]

2.) Registry Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\SpecialAccounts\UserList

3.) Modify/Create the Value Data Type(s) and Value Name(s) as detailed below.

4.) Data Type: REG_DWORD [Dword Value] // Value Name: Type Name of Account to be Hidden

5.) Setting for Value Data: [0 = Account is Hidden / 1 = Enabled]

6.) Exit Registry and Reboot...

While the account is hidden on the Welcome screen, note that the account profile will be visible in C:\Documents and Settings or wherever user profiles are stored as well as in Local Users and Groups.


To convert a FAT partition to NTFS, perform the following steps.

Click Start, click Programs, and then click Command Prompt. In Windows XP, click Start, click Run, type cmd and then click OK.

At the command prompt, type CONVERT [driveletter]: /FS:NTFS. Convert.exe will attempt to convert the partition to NTFS.

NOTE: Although the chance of corruption or data loss during the conversion from FAT to NTFS is minimal, it is best to perform a full backup of the data on the drive that it is to be converted prior to executing the convert command.


This is for broad band connections, though it might work for dial up.

•Make sure your logged on as actually "Administrator".

•Start->Run->type gpedit.msc

•Expand the "Local Computer Policy" branch.

•Expand the "Administrative Templates" branch.

•Expand the "Network Branch".

•Highlight the "QoS Packet Scheduler" in left window.

•In right window double-click the "Limit Reservable Bandwidth" setting.

•On setting tab check the "Enabled" item.

•Where it says "Bandwidth limit %" change it to read 0.

Effect is immediate on some systems, some need to re-boot.


Many computers take a lot of time to boot (or start ).This is due to many reasons.
Some slight changes can do wonders for your system:

1.)Press start->run then type msconfig and press enter.

Go to the startup tab. Here you will see a list of startup items. These are all the programs that automatically start when you boot your PC. It is these that slow down the boot up process.

So uncheck all the unwanted items like ms-office, messengers other utilities that u may not need at startup). Don't uncheck your antivirus software.

Restart your Pc to and see for yourself, your pc will now boot faster....

2.)A great new feature in Microsoft Windows XP is the ability to do a boot defragment. This places all boot files next to each other on the disk to allow for faster booting. By default this option is enabled, but on some systems it is not, so below is the information on how to turn it on:

Go to Start Menu and Click Run

Type in regedit then click ok

Find "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Dfrg\BootOpt imizeFunction"

Select "Enable" from the list on the right

Right on it and select "Modify"

Change the value to Y .

Reboot your Pc and see the change yourself.


You may have tried many tweaks like modifying windows XP start-up applications, prefetches, unload DLLs method, etc. And yes those methods do work for me.

I have just accidentally found out another way to give you an extra boost in windows XP's boot performance. This is done by disabling your unused devices in

Device Manager. for example, if you don't have input devices that are connected to one of your USB's or COM ports, disabling them will give you an extra performance boost in booting. Go to Control Panel -> System -> Hardware tab -> device manager Disable devices that you don't use for your PC and then restart.


To boost performance of your PC or to increase RAM virtually,
Right click on My Computer Icon on Desktop

>> Go to Properties

>> Go to Advanced

>> Go to Performance - Settings

>> Go to Advanced

>> Go to Virtual Memory - Change

Keep the initial size same as recommended and maximum size double of it then restart your system.

It will improve speed of windows and you can play some games which require higher RAM.

NOTE: To Minimise all the application and running windows press the "Windows + M " key together.


By default windows XP doesn't show the Administrator in the user list at the welcome screen. Here's a way to get around it.

Now head up to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\SpecialAccounts\Userlist

create a new DWORD entry and name it as Administrator and change its value to 1.

exit and reboot for the changes to take effect.

To change it back change its value to 0 or simply delete the key.


Many of us sometimes find the folder options missing in windows explorer.Here's the solution

Open Run and then type "gpedit.msc".

Now goto User Configuration > Administrative templates > Windows Component > Windows Explorer.

Click on Windows Explorer you will find the 3rd option on the right side of screen "Removes the Folder Option menu item from the Tools menu"

Just check it, if it is not configured then change it to enable by double clicking on it and after applying again set it to not configured.

I hopes that you will find the option after restarting windows.


Did you know that in Windows XP you can shut down your computer from the (eventually DOS prompt) command line box? Moreover, you can do this by clicking your mouse only once.
All you need to do is... right-click on an empty Desktop spot -> select New -> Shortcut -> type shutdown followed by a space, and then enter one or more of the parameters listed below -> click Next -> type a suggestive name for your new shortcut -> finally, click Finish.

This is the Shutdown.exe (located in %systemroot%\System32, usually C:\Windows\System32) syntax:

shutdown [-i-l-s-r-a] [-f] [-m \\computername] [-t xx] [-c "Text"] [-d[u][p]:xx:yy]>

Valid command line switches:

-a = Abort system shutdown in progress ONLY IF the -t xx timeout option was already set to ANY value other than 0. ALL switches except -l and -m are ignored during abort.

-c "Text" = Text comment (case insensitive) to be displayed in the Message area of the System Shutdown window. MUST be enclosed between quotes. Maximum allowed 127 ASCII characters.

-d [u][p]:xx:yy = Reason code for shutdown:
u = User code.
p = Planned shutdown code.
xx = Major reason code. Positive integer number less than 256.
yy = Minor reason code. Positive integer number less than 65536.

-f = Force running applications to close without warning.

-i = Display the shutdown interface (GUI). MUST be the first option!

-l = Log off the current user of the local computer (default action). Can NOT be used with the -m option unless the current user has Sysadmin rights, in which case the -m switch takes precedence.

-m \\computername = Remote/network computer name (most always case sensitive) to log off/restart/shut down. Current user MUST have Sysadmin rights to be allowed to use this switch!

-s = Shut down the local computer.

-r = Shut down and restart (reboot) the local computer.

-t xx = Set shutdown timer to timeout for xx seconds. IF NOT specified defaults to 20 seconds. Allowed values between 0 and 99 seconds. The -a switch is the ONLY one that CAN be used during the timeout period.


The dash (-) in front of these switches can be replaced by a forward slash (/).

Spaces are NOT required to separate the shutdown command from ANY following switches, but ARE required to separate ANY switch from its following parameter(s), if any.

For example:

shutdown -s -c "Shutting down!" -t 3

tells your computer to shutdown after waiting for 3 seconds while the System Shutdown window will display text above in the Message area.

Optional: after you're done creating your customized shortcut for shutdown -> right-click on it -> select Properties -> enter your desired key "combo" in the Shortcut Key box (e.g. Ctrl + Alt + End) -> click OK/Apply.

From now on just left-click on your shutdown shortcut or hit that key combination to turn off/restart/log off your computer.

Disable CD Autorun

1) Click Start, Run and enter GPEDIT.MSC

2) Go to Computer Configuration, Administrative Templates, System.

3) Locate the entry for Turn autoplay off and modify it as you desire.


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